Justice for You

Case Results
Judgment for woman injured in a car collision
Policy limits recovered for a woman severely injured by a driver who failed to move a disabled vehicle from the roadway
Judgment after trial, for a woman injured in a car collision
Recovered for a man injured in a farming accident
Recovered for a man injured in a bicycle accident
Recovered for law enforcement officer that was struck by a drunk driver
Recovered for a man injured in a rollover on I-70
Recovered for a man injured in a hotly contested motor vehicle accident
Recovered for a man injured in a bicycle accident
Insurance policy limits recovered for a woman, with a significant preexisting injury, which was aggravated in a rear end collision
Recovered for a man injured in a rear end collision
Recovered for man injured in a commercial vehicle accident
Policy limits recovered for a woman injured by a driver who failed to yield right of way
Recovered for a woman injured by a drunk driver
Recovered for a minor involved in a rollover accident caused by a distracted driver
Disabled veteran who was injured more severely in a motor vehicle collision
Final judgment after trial for man injured in a truck accident
Semi-Truck Collision
Recovered for clients injured when a commercial truck struck their vehicle
Recovered for man injured in commercial truck accident
Recovered for a man injured on a motorcycle
Our client was stationary when another driver struck him. Not only did he obtain policy limits from the at-fault driver’s insurance a secondary source of insurance paid funds to the client.
Recovered for a man injured in a motorcycle accident
Recovered for the wife of a contested motorcycle accident
Recovered for those injured and killed in workplace fire
Settlement in explosion
Settlement for husband of woman struck and killed by truck
Policy limits recovered for a woman struck by a car while crossing the street in a crosswalk
Recovered for a woman injured while crossing a cross walk
Settlement for a family whose grandmother was killed by a reckless driver
Settlement for a family whose grandmother was killed by a reckless driver
Judgment for teenage girl struck by car
Recovered the families of two workers killed in a mine accident
Recovered for the family of a man killed at work
Recovered for family of a man killed in a collision
Recovered for a widow of a man killed in a head on collision
Settlement for a man who suffered a brain injury
Settlement for father of man killed on the job
Settlement for two workers injured in an oil storage tank explosion
Settlement against auto manufacturer for family of a young boy killed by defective air bag
Client run over by an off-road vehicle with a defective part
Electrocution in commercial swimming pool
Final judgment for woman subjected to pregnancy discrimination
Judgment for $880,606.40 plus interest
Judgment for $580,000 plus costs and interest against an oil and gas production company
Judgment for man who was discriminated against due to his disabilities
Judgment for man discriminated against at work for a work injury
KDRM obtained for the first Americans with Disabilities Act case to go before the Colorado Supreme Court