Justice for You

Legal Claims

What Can I Do If UIM Insurance Won’t Pay?

When you're involved in a collision caused by an uninsured or underinsured motorist, the overwhelming financial strain falls on you. If purchased by you, uninsured/underinsured motorist (UIM) insurance is designed to protect you in such situations.  However, your ...

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Types of Car Insurance: Protect What Matters Most

There are a myriad of car insurance coverage options available. Although not all are required by Colorado state law, each type of coverage specifically protects you and your assets after an accident. Whether you’re shopping around for auto insurance or curious about...

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Different Types of Personal Injury Claims and Litigation

This article will discuss: Types of personal injury claims. The most common categories of personal injury claims. The harms and losses for which compensation can be obtained. TYPES OF PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS NEGLIGENT AND INTENTIONAL ACTS Personal injury law covers a broad range of injuries most often caused by another’s negligence. Attorneys often refer to…

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Sunset Mesa Funeral Home Defendants Ordered to Pay Millions

Sunset Mesa Funeral Foundation defendants in a multi-party action were ordered to pay millions of dollars to 30 people who sued over the selling of their loved ones’ bodies… Attorney Keith Killian on Friday said what happened to his clients was egregious. “The whole idea of a civilized society is respect for the dead. This…

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Motorcycle Injury Compensation

Collisions with motorcycles are common Nearly 50,000 motorcyclists are seriously injured every year in the United States and about 2,000 per year die from their injuries. 80 percent of all motorcycle accidents injure or kill at least one person. Most motorcycle accidents involve collision with an automobile. Two-thirds of the accidents caused by the other…

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Properly Documenting Your Colorado Workers’ Compensation Claim

Injuries at work will happen, particularly in fields involving manual labor. When such injuries occur, it is important that you immediately report any injury major or minor, and do so in writing. A verbal report is not sufficient as we explain in our related article, I Just Got Injured at Work in Colorado, What Should…

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